Monday, October 02, 2006


Week 1 Thoughts

I have a high diploma in "Adult Education and Illiteracy "in 1992,where I have learned that illiteracy means either not knowing to read or write ,or being ignorant ,unknowledgeable in a specific subjectarea.On going over the readings, what I figuredout is this:
(1)The term 'multiliteracies' was coined to describe what constitutes literacy in today's world…not only language, but " multiple kinds of literacies which are embedded in multimodal texts"
(2)Cope and Kalanstzis (2000), describe multiliteracies as "a word which was chosen by the New London Group who recognized that literacy pedagogy was changing rapidly in our global world". Thus, the fearful fast changes of technology has the great impact here. I will sum up two quotations by Warscharure, in "Electronic Literacies" , on the first page which ,I guess ,I need to know for now. The first one is that; "concepts of literacy changes". The second is" change intersects with other social ,economic, cultural and political factors to help determine how literacy is practiced."

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